Cathe TravelFit - Review

TravelFit is approximately 51 minutes long and the only piece of equipment it uses is a resistance band.
Cathe promotes this workout as one that you can take with you and do while on travel. My only thought about that was some of the cardio burst moves require jumping and the majority of hotel rooms I have been have paper thin walls and you can always hear not only the people next to you but also those above you.
There is not a lot of jumping and by the time that you hotel neighbor would get truly annoyed the workout will be over.
I like this workout. It is not a super intense workout but it is significantly challenging that you work up a sweat. Also you can always use a band with more intensity if you want the workout to be harder.
Cathe hits all the major muscle groups with this workouts.
With a majority of the exercises, you can substitute dumbbells in place of the band if you really want to. Cathe used lifting gloves while performing the exercises. I didn't and didn't feel that I needed them to hold the band securely.
The workout has a nice flow and the music is okay.
3 1/2 out of 5 stars


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