Prevention 400 Calorie Fix Workout - Thoughts

Prevention's 400 Calorie Fix Workout is lead by Julie Marsland.  This is my first time working out with Julie and I thought she did a pretty good job leading the workout.
The DVD menu gives you the following options:
Play All (400 Calories - 52 minutes)
Interval Workout (200 Calories - 21 minutes)
Circuit Workout (200 Calories - 31 minutes)
Audio Setup

The interval workout alternated 3minute low impact segments with 2 minute high impact segments.  The exercise are the same for both the low and high interval segments. You are just adding impact, usually by hoping, running or jumping the move.  There is a bit of repetitiveness with the workout as what you do on one side your will do on the other and then you repeat it with impact in the high impact segment.

The circuit workout alternated cardio with resistance training.  The cardio segments are between 4 and 5 minutes and are mostly low impact in nature. The resistance segments are about 5 minutes each as well. The first resistance segment focused on lower body, the second on upper body and the third on core.

For most of the segment including the warm up and cool down, there is a countdown clock. However, in the resistance segments, there is no clock. Don't know why they eliminated the clock in these segments.
The resistance segments do include subtitles that tell you which exercise you are performing and how many reps you are doing.
A pair of dumbbells are used on the resistance upper and lower body segment and a mat is used in the core segment.

Very nice soundtrack - up tempo, techno.
There is a beginner modifier.
Super easy workout to follow with simple choreography.

The workout touts burning 400 calories.  I burned 372 calories.

3 & 3/4 stars


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