Kelly Coffey Meyers Total Body Kickbox - Thoughts

Total Body Kickbox contains two 30 minute workouts.  Each workout is self contain in that they each have their own warm up and cool down.  Sometimes Kelly reuses or shares the warm up and cool down material  between the two workouts, but this is not the case with these workouts.

The DVD Breakdown is as follows:
Workout # 1 - Cardio Kickboxing
Workout #2 - Kickbox Sculpting
Music on/off option.

Workout 1 is a fast pace, up tempo workout.  It is heavy on the punches but light on the kicking. During the warm up, Kelly previews several of the moves that appear in the combos.   There are seven combos but the combos are short.  Most of the combos are done on the left for a set of reps and then the right side or vice versa.  In a couple of the combos, Kelly alternates the sides. 
I like this workout.  I just wished it had more kicking.

Workout 2 is done at a slower pace and Kelly uses a set of light (3 to 5 lb) dumbbells.  There are five combos, a standing sculpting section and a core training section. The combo section plus the warm is about 16 minutes long.  The rest of the workout is sculpting and core training.   Some of the exercises in the standing sculpting sections are rear chest flys, triceps extensions, upright rows, and squats.  In the core, section, standing knee crunches, upper cuts, and side bends make an appearance.  I like the combos better than the strictly toning segments.

There are six premixes on this DVD.  The music is decent and the set looks nice.

Workout 1 - 3 & 3/4 stars
Workout 2 - 3 & 1/2 stars


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