Michelle Dozois Peak Fit Challenge Intro & Fit Test

Peak Fit Challenge is an 8 week program that was developed by Michelle and Phil Dozois.

The program includes 10 workouts that come in a CD size DVD booklet. Also included: An 8 week training plan, an Anywhere Anytime Take it with you Guide, and a Nutrition Guide.

The first DVD is Intro and Fit Test. In this DVD Michelle spends some time explaining to you the program and how the program works. The Introduction section is approximately 8 minutes in length.

Also on this disc is the Fit Test. Michelle states that it should be done at the beginning of the 8 weeks and again at the end of the 8 weeks.

The Fit Test consist of 10 exercises (please see the Exercise Test Chart for exact exercises - click on image for larger view). Michelle does include a warm up and a cool down with the Fit Test. The whole Fit Test is approximately 29 minutes in length and it is a nice little workout.

During the test, there are bells that indicate when you start, when you are at the 1/2 way point, and the end of the test. You do each exercise for a minute and then you get a minute recovery.

A nice feature of this workout is that you have subtitles telling you what is coming up and what you are doing. Also there is a start/finish clock that indicates where you are in the minute.

During the fitness test, Michelle starts off my showing you the move and then stops and she moves around and starts talking and coaching, pointing out form etc.

A nice start to the program.

3 Stars


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