
Showing posts from 2012

Les Mills Combat HiiT Workouts - Thoughts

Power HiiT 1 is just over 30 minutes in length.  It is a workout that is based on the principal of HiiT.  It is mostly a weight and strength workout but with a cardio aspect.  There are about 6 tracks including warm up and cool down.  A lot of the exercises repeat themselves. Warm up - 4:08 Run in place, forward and backward Squat, Ski Squat Side Shuffles Alternating Forward Lunges Inchworm Pushups Strength Phase - 8:40 Dead Rows Clean & Deadlift Clean & Press Power Press Power Phase 5:45 Sumo Jumps Cross Sumo Jumps Alt Plyometric Lunge Jumps Squat Press Body Weight Training 4:30 Burpee Jump Squat - 4 sets Core  Training - 4:00 Hover Planks Mountain Climbers Spider Pushups Cool Down Stretch - 2:45 Dan Cohen leads Power HiiT.  This workout does feature a modifier. Shock Plyo HiiT 2 clocks in at 28 & 1/2 minutes and it is lead by Rachael Newsham.   This workout features a lot of plyo moves that are r...

Les Mills Combat 60 Extreme Cardio Fighter - Thoughts

Combat 60 Extreme Cardio Fighter clocks in at just over 53 minutes.  While Dan and Rachael are the predominate teachers, two of the other cast members steps up to teach part of a combo. This workout features practically all of the martial arts disciplines.  During one of the tracks, the trainer said "Welcome to the World of Kickboxing"  however there were no kicks in this segment at all.  I thought that odd. I felt Combat 60 had more cardio type moves than Combat 45 and Combat 30.  Simulated jump rope training, scissors, jump kicks and high knees show up on some of the tracks.  There is built in pacing in the workout.  Not only are there are lot of stop and starts as you move from segment to segment but the workout also slows a bit as you change your working lead.  Even so I felt the energy was high. Each segment features lots of repetition but it didn't bother me. I haven't mention music yet in any of the reviews.  For the mos...

Les Mills Combat 30 Kick Start and Combat 45 Power Kata

Combat 30 Kick Start clocks in at 30 minutes.  There are seven class members with Dan and Rachael as the predominate leaders of the workouts. The workout features two countdown climber. One timer counts down the total workout time and the other timer counts down that particular segment. The workout also features subtitles that pop up and tell you what moves you are performing. There is a modifier who does less impact moves. The workout has two warm up tracks. The first track warms up the upper body and the second warms up the lower body.  I like the Kick Start workout.  I wouldn't say it was advance or it is not as intense as I thought it would be. As you move from segment to segment or track to track there is a lot of stopping. Most tracks end with and "ending pose".  The cast members are all wearing gloves. Combat 45 Power Kat a clocks in at just over 43 minutes.  This workout is similar to Kick Start. However Power Kata has more impact moves t...

Les Mills Combat Basics

Well I altered my rotation for December because my Les Mills Comba t system came in. The system consist of 8 workouts on 6 DVDs.  The first DVD is The Basics DVD. I really didn't consider this a workout. Dan Cohen and Rachael Newsham takes you through a series of disciplines and techniques that you will see thorough out the other DVDs. During this DVD they show you correct form and offer tips on how to perform each of the moves. The sections of this DVD are: Stances and Guards Boxing Karate Tae Kwon Do Capoeira Muay Thai (Kickboxing) Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu The Basics DVD is about 30 minutes in length and it is a nice tutorial and introduction to the system but not really a workout.  3 stars

Tracey Mallet The Booty Barre Beginners & Beyond - Thoughts

The Booty Barre Beginners & Beyond . The main workouts is 35 minutes.  This is definitely one to start with.  I felt it more doable than last week's barre workout.  Not that it wasn't challenging, I still felt the burn , but the individual segments were shorter making it easier. Tracey offers several modifications from basic beginner to beginner-plus to intermediate throughout this workout.  Tracey did the beginner-plus version.  There was a cast member who did beginner-basic and another cast member doing intermediate.  I alternated between doing the beginner-basic and beginner-plus moves. A chair and a pair of hand-weights are used in the workout. There is a tutorial section on the DVD. This section offers sub-titles detailing what move you are learning to execute.   It is about 12 minutes long. There is also a bonus sections:  Abs, Booty, and Flexibility. This section uses a mat and is about 14 minutes. The set is clean and br...

Susan Chung Rapid Fire 3 - Thoughts

Rapid Fire 3:  Rock Steady Rock Hard is a 65 minute workout if you do the whole workout.  I did not do the whole workout.  I skipped the section on Weights. The other sections of the main workout I did do. My favorite part of the workout is definitely the blocks of Kickbox Combos.  There are four blocks total.  Within each block, you execute the moves on the left lead and then you repeat executing the moves on the right lead.  Each combo included kicks, punches, and intensifier moves such as plyos. The tabata section was okay. Susan takes you through a series of four moves done twice through. You switch the lead leg second time through. You are doing 20 seconds of work with a 10 second break. There is a clock that pops up during this section. A set of weights are used in the abdominal section.  This section was okay.  Lots of oblique and lower ab work. The ab section is about 10 minutes. The DVD is well chapter. The top menu is broken down...

Tracey Mallet The Booty Barre Plus Abs & Arms - Thoughts

The Booty Barre Plus Abs & Arms was a tough workout for me.  I did this workout in parts. Mostly because it is a long workout. It clocks in at 79 minutes. This is definitely a workout I need to build up endurance for.  I don't do many barre type workouts and I am sure that is why. I did like the workout.  Tracey is pleasant to workout with.  Her instruction is clear, concise and helpful.  There is a beginner modifier that shows how to make the moves less intense There is a DVD menu that allows you to choose the following sections: Play All - ~ 79 minutes Fusion Warm Up - ~ 7 minutes Killer Arms - ~ 14 minutes Booty Barre & Abs - ~35 minutes Core Challenge & Calming Stretch - ~ 24 minutes The  Killer Arms section uses a set of 3 to 5lbs weights. In this section you are doing lots of isometric and/or high rep exercises. There is a lot of shoulder work. The Booty Barre & Abs sections uses a chair and a ball.  Tracey works on...

December 2012 Monthly Rotation

December 2012 Monthly Rotation Saturday - Cathe Sunday - Kickboxing Monday - Cardio Barre Tues, Wed, Thu - FIRM Express Friday - Rest I have several workouts on pre-order.  So I may substitute workouts as they arrived. I am expecting : Ilaria Powerstrike 7 Ilaria Bodystrike 3 Cathe Xtrain Series Les Mills Combat

Patrick Goudeau Step Appeal - Thoughts

Step Appeal definitely has the most complex choreography out of of all the Patrick Goudeau step workouts that I have done thus far.  It is approximately 65 minutes in length. The combinations are very intricate and it is going to take me a couple of more times to master this one. Like Patrick's other workouts he starts with a basic moves and then layers from there.  Turns, twist, pivots, working with your back to the camera (TV), rhythm changes, and adding arm moves are all elements that make this workout challenging.  Also this workout requires a lot of space.  You are working off the step quite a bit. In between  breaking down the workout,  your basic move is the step tap (or knee) corner to corner. While doing this move, Patrick explains what is coming next. He then previews it and then you join in. There are three combinations.  However, if you choose the customize workout option on the DVD, it is broken down as follows: Warm Up Step Wor...

Patrick Goudeau Step My Way - Thoughts

Step My Way is a step workout featuring Patrick Goudeau and it is 57 minutes in length.  Along with Patrick there are two other cast members. There is not a beginner modifier. Step My Way contains four combinations that are a mixture of both dance and athletic style stepping.. Each of the combinations starts off with a basic step pattern or group of moves.  As Patrick repeats the pattern, he changes it up by adding more complex moves such a turns, twist and pattern changes so that by the end of the combination you are presented with a challenging step combination. The complexity level I felt was intermediate to advance. Several times I stayed with the more basic move when Patrick added on. Generally, Patrick would show you a new move twice and then the third time through, he wants you to join in with him. The DVD is chaptered and you can select the following chapter points by selecting the Personalized Workout Option: Warm up Combo 1 Combo 2 Combo 3 Bonus Combo ...

Patrick Goudeau Step Up - Thoughts

Step Up is about a 60 minute step workout featuring Patrick Goudeau as the lead.  The workout contains a warm up, three step combinations, and a cool down.  It is more of a dance step workout than an athletic step workout. In terms of complexity, I would rate the choreography as intermediate.  Patrick starts with basic moves and as he moves through an iterations of the basic moves he add complexity such as turns and twist which make the moves more complicated.  What I found the most frustrating about learning the combos were the camera angles.  So many shot were waist shots and above and I need to see the feet or even better, whole body shots.  That is my only real complaint about the workout. Patrick is enthusiastic and brings energy to the workout.  The  music and set are okay. There are four other cast members besides Patrick and one of the cast members is a beginner modifier. 3 stars

Patrick Goudeau B.E.S.T Video - Thoughts

Patrick Goudeau's B.E.S.T Video is a 45 minute step workout. B.E.S.T stands for Best Ever Step Training. This workout features a warm up, three step combinations and a cool down. Patrick uses the layer approach when teaching the step combinations. He starts off with a basic set of moves and then as you repeat the series he add intricacies such as pivots and turns or change of directions. This kept the workout fresh and felt less repetitive than many other workouts. The warm up is about 9 minutes and the cool down is about 4 minutes. The Step Aerobics portion is about 30 minutes or so. Combination 3 is short compared to combos 1 and 2. After you learn all three combos, Patrick takes if from the top and does all the combos back to back. Along with Patrick, there are two other cast members. There is not a beginner modifier. However, I didn't feel the workout was too hard to learn. Patrick always started by teaching you a basic move and you can stay with the basic move eve...

November 2012 Monthly Rotation

November 2012 Breakdown Sunday - Step workouts - Patrick Goudeau Monday - Sculpting - Cathe Tuesday - Kickbox - Ilaria Wednesday - Dance - Pump It Up Thursday - Martial Arts - Cardio Karate Friday - Dance - Core Rhythms Saturday - Off

Marine Corp Marathon 10K Race 2012

MCM10K October 28, 2012 The weather was pretty good.  Great running weather.  I ran the first three months and then alternated walking and running the last three.  I forgot about the steep hill at the end of mile six.  I decided it would be easier to run the hill than to walk it but I very tired coming across the finish line.  My goal was to beat last years time and I did that.

FIRM Believers Trip Fall 2012

Pictures from The FIRM Believers Trip 2012

Kelly Coffey-Meyer Plateau Busters - Thoughts

 30 Minutes To Fitness Plateau Buster is a weight plus cardio workout. The DVD contains two workouts.  Workout 1 is 28 minutes and workout 2 is 25 minutes.  Both workouts share the same warm up. The main part of the workout contains back to back compound sculpting moves followed by a cardio break segment.  The cardio contains power moves that are explosive burst followed by drill base intensity moves.  For instance, Kelly will start by doing a series of Squat Straddle Jumps (the power moves) followed by high reps of jumping jacks. All the compounding sculpting moves works both the upper and lower body simultaneously.  Kelly runs through a series of moves and then she goes back and repeats all the sets.  So you are doing things two times through.  Also you are doing each exercise for 12 reps. There is a beginner modifier. Also on the DVD is a 9 minute stretch. And 8 premixes that range in time from 21 minutes to 45 minutes. Both workou...

The FIRM Boot Camp 3-in-1 Mix - Thoughts

The FIRM Boot Camp 3 in 1 Mix .  This workout is a compilation that can been performed one of three ways.  It is divided into Workout 1 which is about 42 minutes, Workout two which is about 37 minutes or you can combine both (skipping the cool down of the first workout and the warm up of the second workout) into one long 70 minute plus workout. The workout features footage from a variety of FIRM workouts, Super Cardio, Super Sculpting, Better Body & Buns, Maximum Body Shaping, Cardio Burn just to name a few.  As a result of the variety of workouts, you also get a variety of instructors leading the segments. The workout uses dumbbells, med ball, dowel, short and tall box steps, ankle weights, and barbell.  It is primarily strength and weight work. However, each workout has one or two cardio segments. And each workout has an abdominal section. I did the DVD as two separate workouts.  And I think I like workout two just a little bit better than workou...

The FIRM Core Cardio 1 - Thoughts

The FIRM Core Cardio 1 is a 47 minute compilation workout made up of parts from  three FIRM workouts, Cardio Burn, Maximum Cardio, and Power Cardio.  It features Carissa Foster, Tamela Hasties, and Dale Brabham as the leads. The workout has a core/ab section at the beginning of the workout.  After that, the three ladies take you through a series of floor aerobics, box aerobics, medicine ball aerobics, and 4-limb aerobics.  There is quite a bit of impact in this workout and while there is a lot of variety overall, many of the individual segments are repetitive. The one gripe I have about the workout is when the workouts went into the 4-limb segments (there were about three), all the Ooommph and intensity seem to go out of the workout.  The workouts uses a short and tall box (there is a series of tall box climbs), a medicine ball, and light dumbbells. 3 & 1/4 stars

October 2012 Monthly Rotation

October 2012 Monthly Rotation I have a couple of things going on in October. I am planning on attending the FIRM Believer's Trip and I am also running at 10K race.  So my rotation is designed to support both of these upcoming events. I have a mixture of FIRM workouts, Cardio Coach workouts, Cardio Karate and I am planning on doing KCM latest workout Plateau Busters. So I am not exactly doing my normal style rotation but a little change is good.

Turbo Fire Low HiiT Workouts - Thoughts

Turbo Fire Low HiiT Workouts .   Turbo Fire Low HiiT Classes are part of the Turbo Fire Starter Package.  There are two Low HiiT Classes.  They are:  Low HiiT 20 Class and Low HiiT 25 Class. Low HiiT 20 Class actually clocks in at 18:59.  In this class, Chalene Johnson takes you through three Low HiiT Drills and you do each drill twice.  The low stands for low impact.  HiiT stands for High Intensity Interval Training.  So in this workout, Chalene is doing a high intensity workout with low impact moves.   If you do not want to do high intensity, there is a modifier showing a low intensity version of the move. There is also a modifier showing super high, (high impact) version of the move. Each of the drills are about 64 seconds in length. Then you get about a 60 second break. During the break, Chalene teaches or reviews the next upcoming drill. The cast is huge. Including Chalene and the modifiers there are about 15 other...

Brooke Burke Tone & Tighten - Review

Tone & Tighten is just over an hour in length. In this workout, Brooke leads you through a series of toning exercises (some of which has a cardio emphasis). Brooke uses light weights and/or your own body weight to provide resistance for each exercise. Each exercise is performed for one minute or 30 seconds for each side. Some of the exercises she does are: criss-cross lunge, plie punch front, arabesque, W shoulder press, biceps curl, kickbacks etc. Now the DVD menu breaks up the workout as follows : warm up lower body upper body core cool down However, I felt the lower body and upper body segments blurred together because many of the exercise in these sections consist of compound exercises that worked both the upper and lower body. Also a couple of the exercises in the lower body section only worked the upper body. The workout does moves at nice pace. Brooke takes time to stretch between several of the exercises. Brooke is pleasant. The set is decent. The music is mostly back...

Kelly Coffey-Meyer Cardio Quick Fix - Thoughts

Cardio Quick Fix is part of Kelly Coffey-Meyer 30-Minutes To Fitness series of workouts. With Cardio Quick Fix, Kelly gives you two (approximately 30 minute) all cardio workouts. Workout 1 is steady state and clocks in at about 25 minutes. Kelly breaks up this workout into two combos and in each combo you are doing about 4 to 5 different moves. Kelly teaches the moves in a layered approach so there is a bit of repetition. Workout 2 is a bit of an interval drill base (hi/lo) workout and clocks in at about 29 minutes. Some of the exercise are squats, into pop squats, low jacks into plyo jacks, side steps into skaters, march into high knee jog. Both workouts share the same warm up (about 4 minutes) and cool down (about 2 minutes). Although in workout two, I felt Kelly added an additional warm up set.  I like both workouts well enough. They are both very simple workouts with simple moves. You really are driving you own intensity with these workouts. With workout 1, my bodybugg ...

Brooke Burke Strengthen & Condition - Review

Brook Burke's Strengthen & Condition workout is about 60 minutes in length. It features a warm up, lower body section, upper body section, core and cool down. Brook is joined by Celebrity Trainer Greg Joujon-Roche and the two of them take you through a series of toning moves. Most of the moves are done using your own body weight and isometric contractions or holds.. A few of the exercises does utilize dumbbells. You are doing each exercise for 60 seconds or if there are sides, 30 seconds per side. This is a workout that could have utilized a clock in the corner of the workout. Many times I felt Greg's counting uneven especially when he had you do one side and then the other. The DVD is chapter and you can select any of the segments to do as a standalone workout.. The warm up and cool down are about 4 to 5 minutes. The other segments are about 15 minutes give or take a minute or two. The DVD gives you audio options. They are: Music and instruction Instruction only Musi...

FitPrime Fast Cheetah - Thoughts

Fast Cheetah is Volume 7 in the Original FitPrime series of workouts. It is a 55 minute workout and it is lead by Tracie Long. This workout was designed as a cross-trainer to Strong Bear. Where Strong Bear was "slow + heavy". Fast Cheetah is "fast + light". It uses lighter dumbbell weight and the tempo of the music if faster. This workout contains a lot more cardio than Strong Bear. A lot of the cardio is functional fitness in nature and often features a medicine ball doing sports drill type combinations. There is also a kickbox and tall box climb segment. Fast Cheetah uses the non-dominant principle of training in which you train your weaker side first. This set also features the mirror backdrop. Tracie works out on carpet that looks like it might be 5 X 8 in size. I wasn't crazy about the construction of this workout. It was just okay. I did like the music and of course Tracie is great as usual. But I am giving it a lukewarm 3 stars.

FitPrime Storng Bear - Thoughts

FitPrime Strong Bear is Volume 6 in the Original FitPrime workouts. This workout is lead by Tracie Long and it is 53 minutes long. There are no other cast members. Strong Bear is a muscle shaping workout that features non-dominant training (training your weaker side first). It is a total body training workout in that it hits all muscle groups using various functional fitness and traditional type exercises, but there is not much cardio. The workout uses a dowel, high step, ankle weights and dumbbells. The set is small in size but very busy. There is a mirror backdrop that lets you see how the exercise looks from the back. I like this workout. A few of the exercises were challenging. The pace is slow and methodical and was designed to allow you to go heavy with the weights. 3 & 3/4 stars

10 Minute Solution Hip Hop Dance Mix - Review

10 Minute Solution Hip Hop Dance Mix features Kristin Jacobs as the lead. Kristin takes you through 5 Hip Hop inspired 10 minute workouts. You can play all 5 sections, select only one section or created a personalized workout. You can select up to six solutions when you create a personalized workout. So if you wanted, you could double up on a segment. The dances are: Hip Hop Basics Fat Burning Funk Edgy Grooves Body Re-Mix Cardio Street Heat. I found Kristin's instruction to be clear and concise. There is just enough repetition to ensure you get the move but not so much you get bored. The steps themselves start out basic and Kristin adds rhythm as you repeat the moves. All the music tracks (although instrumental) had a real hip hop flavor to them. So they fit the dances and vibe very well. I really like this work and I like all five dances. Usually there is at least one dance or segment in the bunch that I wouldn't particularly care for but not so with this workout. 4 ...

Turbo Fire Fire Starter Class - Thoughts

Fire Starter Class is the prequel to the Turbo Fire workouts. It is a 37 minute workout taught by Turbo Fire creator Chalene Johnson. Chalene slows down the pace (slow compared to Turbo Fire) and breaks down the move as she teaches you the basics of Turbo Fire workouts. Fire Starter Class contains 3 long combos. Each of the three combos are made up of 2 mini combos where you go through the moves on the right and then the left. So expect some repetition. The workout is set to mostly up to date (current) music that really keeps the workout moving. Along with Chalene, there are several cast members including a low impact (beginner) modifier and there is also a person that is doing extremely advance high impact moves for those who want to go that route. Throughout the workout, Chalene offers tips and encouragement in how to get the most out of the workout. I like the workout. I think it is a great compliment to the Turbo Fire workouts. 4 stars

September 2012 - Monthly Rotation

September 2012 I am still in training for my 10K in October. This month I will be adding in an extra treadmill workout each week. Sunday - 6.2 miles on the treadmill Monday - Sculpting & Muscle Toning Tuesday - Aerobic Cardio Wednesday - Cardio + Weights (Tracie Long) Thursday - Cardio coach workouts (on Treadmill) Friday - Cardio + Weights (Tracie Long) Saturday - rest I am planning on doing short evening workouts if time permits in my schedule. A few of the workouts on this list are: Turbo Fire Low Hiit workouts KCM's new Cardio Quick Fix workout Tracie long Figure 30 workouts

Jari Love Get Ripped & Chiseled - Thoughts

Get Ripped and Chiseled is a 64 minute high rep body sculpting workout. It is set up similar to Slim & Lean in that each exercise is preceded by a brief introduction. The individual introductions demonstrates the exercise you will be performing. Also it tells you the weight amount of each of the participants as well as how many reps you will perform if you do the whole track. Along with Jari, there are three other cast members who show variations/modifications of each of the exercises. Within each exercise performed, Jari alters the count of the exercise. Some of the patterns used are 4/4 2/2/ 3/1, single count and pulses. Many of the exercises featured lots of pulses. The warm up is done using a set of dumbbells. During the warm up, Jari takes you through a series of exercise that show up again as you move through the main part of the workout. During the stretch/cool down section, Jari sits in a semi-circle and she and the cast discuss their achievements in fitness. Equipment...

Urban Rebounding Poly Performance Metabolic Plyometric Circuits - Review

Poly Performance Metabolic Plyometric Circuits is a super long title. It is also a workout that features Keli Roberts as the lead, and it is about 50 minutes long. This workout is an interval workout, that contains plyometrics, strength, and balance type exercises. There is a lot of work on and off the rebounder. I really like the work onto the rebounder but the work of the rebounder, (the exercises that had you jumping off and onto the floor) I did not care for. This workout does contain some intense and challenging plyo work much of which is done on one leg. The basic pattern of the workout has you doing two sets of the exercises on both sides (left and right) of the body. So you are really getting four total sets of each circuit. The warm up and cool down are about four minutes each and there is an abdominal specific section as well. I didn't like Poly Performance as much as I like Maximum Metabolic Intervals. This one didn't flow as well to me. You can see the camera man...

Urban Rebounding Maximum Metabolic Intervals - Review

Urban Rebounding Maximum Metabolic Intervals is a 50 minute workout and features Keli Roberts as the lead. There are three other cast members besides Keli. Along with the rebounder, 1, 2, & 3 pound sand weights are used to increase intensity. The warm up is 4 & 1/2 minutes. After the warm up, Keli takes you through a series of cardio and resistance intervals (alternating the two). Most of the cardio is done on the rebounder. I appreciated this as this is a rebounder workout. Most of the resistance exercise where multi-joint and compound (upper and lower body exercises) in nature. Keli use the rebounder in all the resistance exercises as either a prop or to increase intensity. The workout concludes with a 6 minute stretch. What I like about this Extreme Urban Rebounder workout that I didn't like about the other two I have done thus far, is this Urban Rebounding workout did not contain a lot of yelling. Keli worked you hard. She told you what your were going to do. She...

Jari Love Get Ripped! Slim & Lean - Thoughts

Get Ripped! Slim & Lean is a 65 minute workout that focuses on resistance body sculpting exercises. Jari Love is your trainer and she takes you through a series of tracks, where each track concentrates on a particular exercise or body part. There is an introduction to each exercise. The introductions tell what the exercise is and it also shows someone demonstrating how to perform the move correctly. Once the track starts, Jari offers further tips on exercising and staying motivated. Barbell, dumbbells, mat and step are used in this workout. Along with Jari, there are three other cast members who at times show exercise modifications . There are also subtitles that pop up that tell how many reps your will perform and the weight selection of each of the cast members. I like this workout. It is no-nonsense and to the point. 4 stars

Urban Rebounding Kick Box Metabolic Intervals - Review

Kick Box Metabolic Intervals is an urban rebounding workout and it is part of the URX-MT series of workouts. It stars Amy Bento and is about 53 minutes in length. Along with Amy, there are four other cast members, five if you count that camera man that appears in several shots throughout. The workout starts with a 6 minute workout and then you go into kickboxing intervals hi/lo combos, where you alternate kickbox combos with high intensity kickbox inspired drills. Sand weights are used in both the combos and the drills. The warm up and the combo/drills section total about 35 minutes. Then comes an abdominal section which is about 5 minutes and the workouts ends with about a 12 minutes stretch. I was disappointed that the Kickbox combo/drill section was so short. Otherwise I like this workout. Just like the other workout, Amy yells way too much and she curses. She also does quite a bit of walking around in this one as well. 3 & 1/4 stars

Urban Rebounding Boot Camp Metabolic Intervals - Review

Boot Camp Metabolic Intervals is an rebounder workout from the Urban Rebounding System. This workout is part of the Urban Rebounding Extreme Metabolic Training and stars Amy Bento as the lead. The workout is just over 50 minutes in length. The use of a rebounder indicates that the workout is suppose to be low impact and joint friendly. However there is so much jumping off of the rebounder onto the floor that you are not really getting the low impact benefit. The workout is interval based. It is divided into cycles. Within each cycle, you are doing 4 exercises. You are doing each exercises for two minutes or if warranted one minute per side. Amy gives you about 30 seconds of recovery in between the exercises. There seems to be more exercises done from the floor than from the rebounder. In a few exercises the rebounder is used as a prop (similar to using a step). The workout does contain a warm up, ab section (functional abs), and cool down. There is a lot of yelling and some c...

Jari Love Get Ripped! To The Core - Thoughts

Get Ripped! To The Core is approximately 65 minutes in length. It is a resistance weight training workout with a focus on muscle toning. The exercises chosen are compound in nature. In almost all the exercises, you are working both the upper body and lower body at the same time. As you move through the workout, you are given a brief introduction of the exercises that appear in that section. During this introduction, you will see someone demonstrate the move, as well as an announcer that tells you what muscle groups you are working. After the introduction segment but before the workout segment begins, Jari gives you even more tips and encouragement. So there is a lot of time between the various exercises. While this gave the feeling of the workout moving slowing, I also thought it was okay because the reps are pretty high and it gave you a chance to rest before beginning the next series. The warm up is performed using weights. Along with Jari, there are three other cast members. ...

Cathe To The Max - Thoughts

To The Max is 54 minute metabolic workout. The workout is made up of several different sections that come together to give you a total body workout. The workout breakdown is: Warm up - ~5:50 Solid Step - ~7:40 Step Tabata - ~ 5:15 30/20 HiiT - ~ 14:15 Compound Leg Work - ~ 7:00 Core with Upper Body Focus - ~ 7:30 Stretch - ~6:10 There is a bonus Low Impact Slide n Glide Tabata that is 4:50 in length and there is also a bonus Fitness Tabata that is 4:40 in length The solid step section is not a step routine or a mini combo. It is more a series of moves done in a drill based fashion. In fact, the first part of this section is reminiscence of Low Impact Series Athletic Training. During any of the Tabata sections you are doing 20 seconds of work and you get 10 seconds of rest. I like the Tabata sections. When I got to the 30/20 HiiT sections where you are doing 30 seconds of work but get 20 seconds of rest, the extra 10 seconds in the HiiT section seemed long to me. None of the ...