FitPrime Storng Bear - Thoughts

FitPrime Strong Bear is Volume 6 in the Original FitPrime workouts. This workout is lead by Tracie Long and it is 53 minutes long. There are no other cast members.
Strong Bear is a muscle shaping workout that features non-dominant training (training your weaker side first). It is a total body training workout in that it hits all muscle groups using various functional fitness and traditional type exercises, but there is not much cardio.

The workout uses a dowel, high step, ankle weights and dumbbells.
The set is small in size but very busy. There is a mirror backdrop that lets you see how the exercise looks from the back.

I like this workout. A few of the exercises were challenging. The pace is slow and methodical and was designed to allow you to go heavy with the weights.
3 & 3/4 stars


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