Toby Massenburg Max 30 - Thoughts

I thought Max 30, featuring Toby Massenburg an interesting collection of workouts. There are three
workouts on this DVD. However, the workouts are not chaptered. If you want to skip ahead to a different block, you can't unless you use the fast-forward option.
The workouts are:
---Max Sculpt (~35 minutes)
---Max Cardio (~35 minutes)
---Max Core (~ 10 minutes)

I did Max Sculpt and Max Cardio. Both of these are complete workouts meaning they contain their own warm up and cool down.
On Max Sculpt's equipment list, you will find dumbbells and on Max Cardio, you will find the club step.

Both workouts are set up in the same pattern. Within each block you have three drills and two exercises per drill.
Within a drill you have a basic exercise and then you have a more advanced exercise which Toby calls "Max". You follow this with another drill in which you have a basic and max exercise. Then the third drill (which Toby call "the combo drill") combines the two basic exercises from the 1st and 2nd drill. This is followed by combining the two max exercises from the 1st and 2nd drill into its own combo drill.

All exercises are perform for 30 seconds. You do two exercises back to back before you get a 30 second break.
Toby has a 30 second clock up for each exercise. The clock resets for another 30 seconds when you go into your "Max" exercise. Then the clock disappears until the next drill begins. I wish Toby would have kept the 30 second clock for the breaks as well. That would have been a nice added feature.

Toby mostly talks through the 30 second break. Offering encouragement and showing you what is coming up. Toby is very exuberant. He reminds me of a very peppy cheerleader.

There are two cast members but no one modifies. Toby also likes to stop and show form pointers using the two cast members but it is not excessive.

Overall I like both workouts. I probably like Max Cardio a little more than Max Sculpt. There are parts that I didn't care for at all. Like Block 5 in Max Sculpt - much of that felt awkward.
The exercises in Block 3 of Max Cardio were a bit tricky getting the pattern down.
Also Max Sculpt really is a Cardio Sculpt workout.

The workout does move alone. I did the workouts on two separate days and thought they made for a good set of "get in and get out" workouts.

Max Sculpt - 3 1/2 stars
Max Cardio - Leaning toward 4 stars, maybe 3 3/4 stars.


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