CIA 2603 Criss-Cross Cardio - Thoughts

Criss-Cross Cardio is a reacquired workout for me. I bought this workout a few years back when Advanced Workouts was having a huge sell on CIA Video workouts. When I got the workout and previewed it, it didn't appeal to me, so when I was off-loading workouts trying to wean my collection, this went by the wayside.
So why do I own this workout now. I think it was a review, somebody had mentioned how much they like this workout. I started thinking to myself "that I really didn't give it a fair chance". Plus, CIA workouts are getting harder to find. So I decided to get this one again while I had the chance.

And, I am glad I did. The workout is about 64 minutes and stars Sherri Jacquelyn. I don't know much about her. Reading the back of the DVD cover she has been in previous CIA workouts.

Criss-Cross Cardio is predominately a kickboxing workout with some mixed martial arts. The mixed martial arts comes in the form of Capoeira which is a Brazilian form of martial arts.
After the warm up, which is about 7 minutes, you go into the cardio portion.
The cardio portion consist of mini routines of punches and kicks. There are a total of three 8 count combinations that Sherri teaches. In between teaching the combos, she throws in fast twitch drills and plyometrics (some type of jumping move).
When she is teaching you the combo, she starts off teaching it slow or 1/2 time and then after about two times through she speeds it up to tempo. She also takes time to tell you what is coming up next. She usually does this while your are marching or while you are in the middle of a drill that is about to end. I did think there was quite a bit of down time in the workout.

I will say if you are a person who is a stickler for form you may want to skip this workout. Along with Sherri, there are two cast member. One cast member does modify the moves showing easier variations.
The Capoeira sections is your sculpting section. This is about 16 minutes long. It is mostly lower/core sculpting with a lot of balance work thrown in. In the first part, you do four different exercises for three sets. The exercises are Ginga Sway, Squat into a front quad push, side lunges, and hip rotation back leg press. I like the exercises in this section.
The second part you do one exercise in which you do a squat single let shoot through. I didn't particularly care for this exercise.
The workout concludes with an ending stretch.
I thought the music was pretty decent throughout the workout until it got to the tune used for the ending stretch. It was blah. The set is the tonal brown set used in the 2600 series. It is okay. It certainly is not the worse CIA Video set.
3 1/2 stars


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