Step Till You Drop Advance Stepping - Review

Well I was able to get a few of workouts in. One of my workouts this week was CIA 2204 Step Till You Drop - Advance Stepping with Mark Hendricks.
Advance Stepping is but one part of Step Till You Drop. The actual workout is over 2 hours. Along with Mark, Melissa Cantillo and Laura Downing also lead the workout.
I only ever do Mark's section which including the warm up (which he also leads) is about 40 minutes in length. Mark has flair and he is all about the DRAMA and presentation. His section is really dance base. I love to dance and I love dance fitness workouts. So I was really able to have fun with him.
Mark may not be every one's cup of tea. Some of his comments might seem risque but I don't think any of it was too outlandish.
To me the workout is fun. The choreography is slightly complex but certainly doable. There is only one part that I found awkward and that is in the beginning of his combination when he had you step forward and step backward over the step switching your lead foot.
I felt my legs weren't long enough for this move and I am 5'7".
I was loving the music. It fit the workout very well. He does take it from the top quite a bit, but I feel that is the nature of learning dance combinations.
4 stars out of 5.


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