Jillian Michaels 10 Minute Body Transformation

Jillian Michaels 10-Minute Body Transformation workout contains five 10-minute routines plus it include a 2 & 1/2 minute warm up and cool down.

The five workouts are:
Kickbox Blast
Booty Boot Camp
Pilates Power
Cardio Burn

Calisthenics is a body weight workout that actually clocks in at around 11:30.  Jillian does 9 exercises for approximately 30-seconds.  She repeats the exercises for a second set. The exercises are

  1. Lunge Lunge Squat
  2. Ninja Jumps
  3. Blast-off Push ups
  4. Supermans
  5. Rolling Bear
  6. Front Kick Shooters
  7. Plyometric Thrusters
  8. Dips
  9. Wheel Press Up
Kickbox Blast is a kickboxing and mix-martial arts inspired workout. In this workout, Jillian takes you through several kicking and punching combinations. You do each combination for 30 seconds. After doing each combination once, you repeat the whole series for a second set.  Jillian does not change lead sides during the second set.

Booty Boot Camp clocks in at just over  11 minutes. You are using weights in this workout. You will do all 9 exercises for approximate 30 seconds and then you repeat the moves before the workout ends.
Exercises are:
  1. Goddess Squat
  2. Curtsy Front Back
  3. Weighted Warrior 3 Dead lift
  4. Pendulum Lunge
  5. Side Lunge
  6. Weighted Surrender Lunge
  7. Single Leg Pelvic Thrust
  8. Table Top - Back Kick
  9. Rainbow
The next workout on the track is Pilates Power.  This workout pretty much follows the same pattern as the other workouts.  You do all the moves for 30 seconds and then you repeat the series. Moves are: (1) Pelvic Lift,  (2) Clam, (3) Side Kick Reaching, (4) Swan Dive , (5) Knee Stretch Donkey Kick, (6) Table Top Leg Circle, (7) Snow Angel, (8) Single Straight Leg, and (9) Sit up Side Twist.

Last of the workouts is Cardio Burn.  Same pattern as the other workouts. Exercises are:  (1) karaoke hop hop, (2) Jacks behind the back clap, (3) High Knee up and Back, (4)  Three Shuffle Inner Tap, (5) Semi-circle mountain climber, (6) Burpees (7) Froggy Thruster Plank Jack (8) Rockstars 180 Fast Feet, and (9) Cross Country Speed Bags

Along with Jillian, there are two other cast members in each of the workout. One member does show modifications for almost all the exercises.  Jillian is coaching throughout. She might do the first rep of  one or two exercises, but for the most part she is coaching the participant and/or emphasizing/highlighting something they are doing. 

Music pretty decent throughout. Set is large with a brick wall accent.

Calisthenics - 3 stars
Kickbox Blast -  2 & 3/4 stars
Booty Boot Camp - 3 & 1/4 stars
Pilates Power - 3 & 1/4 stars
Cardio Burn - 3 stars


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