Sharon Twombly Zero To Sixty Adrenaline Rush - Thoughts

Zero to Sixty Adrenaline Rush is a just over 60 minute workout. After the warm up, you go into a the cardio segment which is around 27 minute long. This is followed by a 27 minute weight segment and then the cool down. So in this workout you are doing your cardio first and then your weight workout. The cardio portion included body weight work such as reverse lunges and push ups all of which are done is a combo pattern to the beat of the music. There is also quite a bit of impact in the form of jumping, running and plyos. Sharon varies the rhythm and pace of the moves - speeding them up and slowing them down. There is a modifier showing less intense version of the move. The first part of the weight segment is standing and there is a cardio aspect to this portion of the weight workout because the rest are brief. You get a bit of a rest between exercises as Sharon explains what you are doing next but again, it is brief. The we...