Teeter Hang Ups Inversion Table - Thougths

Teeter Hang Ups - Inversion Table

I have owned my inversion table for 3, maybe 4 years now. I don't use it a lot. In fact there will be long stretches in between use. At one point, I thought about getting rid of it because it does require space. You can go the route of storing it in a closet, but then it's a hassle to move it in and out.
Over the past couple of weeks, however, I have used it a lot. Why? Because I did something not so kind to my lower back. And this is where this table is worth its weight in gold. It is worth every bit of the $300.00 I spent on it. I actually injured (or perhaps re-injured is a better term) my lower back October 3rd. I spent the rest of that day and the next day, massaging, heating and cooling the area. And that got me to where I could move, but I could still feel the pain and tightness. It severely limited my workout schedule to where I either modified the workout a lot of just completely skipped it.
To be honest, I forgot all about my Inversion table. When I moved, I never set it back up. The table was off in a corner against the wall. It wasn't until I was looking for something else and looked up and saw it that my eyes got wide - "Inversion Saundra, That is the answer". That was Monday, October 10th.
The inversion table is clunky to move. I remember thinking "I am going to tweak my back even more, just to move it out from the wall" but I managed it and over the last few days my low back has been feeling better and better. I have been inverting about 5 minutes in the morning and 5 minutes in the evening.
I bought my unit (F7000 Inversion Table) from HSN. At the time I bought the unit, they were giving 6 flex pays and free shipping. The unit has some weight to it. It came mostly pre-assembled, but there was still some assembly work to do. The table is very stable. I never feel like I am going to tip over. I never feel unsafe on it. The weight capacity of the Inversion Table I have is weighted for 300lbs. Also you can adjust the length of the table to your height fairly easily by moving the slider bar up or down.
As far as space goes, you need enough room so table can freely move and rotate with hitting anything. I currently

So other than the space it requires and that it is clunky to move, I am really happy with this unit and so glad I didn't give it away. My lower back loves me for it.
4 1/2 stars
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