Tracie Long Core Movements Volume 3 and 4 - Thoughts

Core Movements Volume 3 and Volume 4.

Core Movements Volume 3 The Bottom Line is a core and buns workout.  The workout starts with band walks.  Tracie keeps the bands for floor work. Floor work with the band is performed in both the supine and prone positions.
Next comes concentrated core work. This is followed by Turkish Getup series and then a Windmill series.  Tracie finishes the workout by working the hips with mobility hip circle moves and inner thigh adductor work.

I enjoyed this workout. Trace really took time teaching the different positions of the Turkish Getup.  I also like the time spent on the Windmill positions.

Core Movements Volume 4 Make Your Move is a mobility and stretch workout with.a little bit of strength. Tracie takes you through various range of motion and stretching exercises.  After a strength segment including mobility squats and shoulder press, Tracie moves into stretches for the hip and hamstring.  Tracie uses a chair.  For part of the stretch, Tracie suggest you can use the wall. Other equipment used in this workout include a strap/band and yoga block.

I felt this workout really emphasize stretching the psoas muscle.

Volume 3 The Bottom Line - 4 stars
Volume 4 Make Your Move - 3 stars


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