Jessica Smith Walk Strong 3 Disc 5 Fusion Mix - Thoughts

Disc 5 of Jessica Smith 8 Week Program is F usion Mix The workouts on this DVD are: Barefoot Cardio Core Tone + Flow Pilates + Yoga Barefoot Cardio Core is a fast pace high rep workout. The workout use a play ball and is basically a drill based workout done with flowing and expansive movements. The warm up is approximately 5 minutes and after the warm up the tempo picks ups. Side to side toe taps is your transition move. Other moves include 180 degree sweeps, chops, curtsy, lunges, hamstring curl, figure 8s, grand plies, skaters, and side leg lift with side crunches. Tone + Flow is essentially divided into three segments. There is a flowing warm up and body weight toning segment, there is a toning segment that uses a pair of dumbbells ( starts when the timer is around 23:50 mark) and there is a standing abs and core segment (starts when the time is around 9:30 mark). There is a cool down that is around 2 minutes. Jessica calls thi...