Heather Corndorf Moxie 1 and 2 - Thoughts

Heather C Fitness presents Moxie 1 and Moxie 2 . Both are cardio strength workouts that require no equipment. The strength portion comes in the form of body weight exercises often done in the plank position but there are some squats, lunges, dips, crouching tigers, and handstands. Throughout the workouts, Heather gives you options showing you how to make the moves advance as well as how to make the moves easier. The workouts include balance moves as well as jumping, running, hopping and some kickbox moves too. Each workout clocks in at just over 21 minutes and probably could have been included on one DVD. What I didn't like is there is no DVD menu. The workout just start to play as soon as you put it in your DVD player. The DVDs are also DVD-R. I like both workouts well enough but I didn't like one workout more that the other. I felt they were both good 20 minute workouts. I love Heather's motto, "Love What Your Body Can Do Today". Heather's ...