Cathe IMAX 3 - Review

Oh IMAX 3 was a killer of a workout. I think this was due to the recovery periods being almost nonexistent.
Like its predecessors, IMAX3 features 10 intervals. The 10 intervals include a mini step routine repeated 6 times, a blast and a very brief recovery period.
Cathe even states "You might have notice, we tightened up the recovery period". Yes I noticed, but I didn't like it. I enjoyed the recovery period in IMAX 1 and IMAX 2.
What I liked about IMAX 3 were the mini step routines. I thought they flowed extremely well. Although, now that I think about it, it could be I just wasn't ready to go into the next blast - that could be why I liked them so much, I was still in recovery.
If the recovery periods were shorter, I have to assume the blast were longer; at least that's how it seemed. Some of the blast seemed like they were going on and on and on.
Most of the moves in the blast and step routines were athletic in nature. There might have been one or two moves in the step mini routines that could be considered dance based.
IMAX 3 does feature some good tunes that fit the workout, although I didn't like the music as much as IMAX 2.
Of the three workouts, IMAX 3 was the hardest for me to do.
4 stars.


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