Week In Review

This was another week of Amy Bento workouts. I had to do some substitutions. I
was expecting to be doing Amy's two new cardio workouts, but
they didn't arrive so I did Advanced Step Challenge 2 and Hi Lo
Challenge instead. I absolutely love these two
workouts. Both of these workouts are tops in
their categories of Step and Hi Lo Aerobics. The
music has so much energy that it drives you to keep going even when you are exhausted. I don't do either one of these workouts enough.
I am sure that I have reviewed both of these workouts but here is a recap of what they consist of . ASC2 contains 5 step combinations. (Due to time, I only made it through combos 1 -4). Each of the combos are done with the step in the horizontal positions. The combos are athletic but intricate. I remember when I was first learning the routine, I would put the DVD player is slow playback so that I could walk through the moves. Once you get the moves down, that is when the fun really begins because you can just go all out.
Hi Lo Challenge is definitely in the running for my favorite hi lo workout. It consist of 4 combos followed by 4 intervals; and the intervals are doable simple moves. To me the learning curve in Hi Lo Challenge is less than in some of Amy's other workouts. Again, once you get the moves down, it's fun fun fun.
Okay, now for Slo Mo Challenge. Slo Mo Challenge is a weight sculpting workout broken down into three workouts. On Monday I did Slo Mo Challenge Back & Biceps, Wednesday was Slo Mo Challenge Legs, and today Slo Mo Challenge Chest, Biceps & Triceps. Each workouts is around an hour or less.
The music to this workout is really up tempo. However, the rep count as the name implies was at a slower count. Through all the workouts Amy would vary the rep count within the various exercises. Sometimes Amy would do a 4 and 4 rep count, other times would be 2 counts up, 2 counts hold, 4 counts down and probably the most challenging is when she would do 6 counts up, 2 counts hold, 6 counts down.
I included a worksheet of the exercises. Again, Amy does not choose traditional exercises. Many of the moves she chooses is done with a twist and she uses lots of different types of equipment in different way. For instance, the glute wrap is wrapping the barbell around your leg and lifting it. The triceps kickback is using a towel on your neck to cushion the band as it hangs around your neck and you are pulling down into a kickback. I do like Amy's innovation.
Equipment used in Slo Mo Challenge - Risers, Step in both a traditional position and an incline position, barbell, dumbbells, band and stability ball.
Slo Mo Challenge Back & Shoulders - 3 stars
Advanced Step Challenge 2 - 4 1/2 stars
Slo Mo Challenge Legs - 3 stars
Hi Lo Challenge - 5 stars
Slo Mo Challenge Chest, Biceps & Triceps - 3 stars


  1. I too was hoping for Amy's workouts to arrive this week but it looks like I'll get Hi Lo Dynamics next week. I don't have Slo Mo Challenge challenge. I'm been on a Cathe roll this week and did MMA boxing, gym styles and muscle max. Hopefully we'll get Amy's workout soon. I ended up pre-ordering Peak 10 even though I wasn't going to get it but I hear people who did Michelle's workouts in her gym got really good results so I'll give it a whirl.

  2. Susan, let me know what you think of Peak10. When I saw the footage of the live workouts I was really interested in getting the workouts. I think the live workouts had an energy that I didn't see in the clips that Collagevideo had up.
    My Amy workouts didn't arrive today. I might have to push them back another week. I usually like to preview a workout before I jump right in.
    I was telling someone else that I probably should stop scheduling workouts into my rotation until I actually have the workouts in my possession.


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