Weight Watchers Smart Ones Anytime Selections have been adding a greater variety in their low calorie meals. One new entry are their smart mini wraps. The wraps come in two flavors: Chicken Ranchero Smart Mini Wrap and Chicken & Mushroom Florentine Smart Mini Wrap.
I have tried both flavors and I have to say while I loved the Chicken Ranchero flavor, I didn't care for the Chicken & Mushroom Florentine flavor at all.
I had my boyfriend try the Chicken & Mushroom Florentine flavor and he loved it.
Both flavors clock in at 4 points per serving. One serving is two mini wraps. Each box comes with 4 mini wraps. So there are two servings per package.
I think the mini wraps are an excellent addition to the Smart Ones line up.
4 stars out of 5.


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