Focus Reach Further - Thoughts

Mmmm .... over all not bad. I enjoyed 20 minutes of Reach Further. 10 minutes I didn't care for or rather I didn't like it as much as the other segments.
This workout is part of Tracie Long Fitness focus series and Tracie states it is the 4th workout in the series - which I guess really only means something if you happen to own all 4 workouts.
Reach Further, like all the Focus workouts are broken down into three chapters.
Chapter 1, I would label as flowing yoga. It moves at a brisk space and you are getting in and out moves quickly. Surprisingly this was one of the sections I enjoyed. I usually don't care for this type of yoga.
Chapter 2 is core/ab work. About 1/2 of this section is plank work and the other half is traditional ab work. This was my least favorite section - not because it isn't challenging, more because I felt it out of place in this workout. This would be a good section to add on an ab/core day.
Chapter 3 I would say is about balance and stabilization work. I enjoyed this section very much. Several of the balance positions were very challenging to get into. I was wobbling all over the place but I kept trying to do each move and was very pleased with myself when I was able to. This chapter gives you something you can work towards.
3 1/2 stars out of 5


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