Cathe Ab Hits - Thoughts

Ab Hits is a compilation DVD that features 12 ab workouts from older Cathe workouts. Ab Workout #1 is from Maximum Intensity Strength. This segment clocks in at around 8 minutes. There is about 5 minutes of upper abdominal crunches, around 2 minutes of oblique crunches, and about a minute of lower crunches. This workout used a step as a prop - essentially you have your feet braced against the step. Ab Workout #2 is from Cross Train Xpress Power Circuit workout. This segment is around 11 minutes and broken down into three distinct parts. Part 1 is plank work. First elbow plank work and straight arm plank work. Part 2 is supermans and you are working the lower back. Part 3 is traditional ab work. You are doing upper, oblique and lower crunches. Ab Workout #3 is from Cross Train Express Kickbox. This workout starts out with planks and then comes plank knee pull. This is followed by reverse planks, roll ups, reverse crunch, oblique side crunch, crunch variation and c-cu...