Amy Dixon Give Me 10 More! - Thoughts

Give Me 10 More! is a follow up to Amy Dixon's Give Me 10!. The "More" version is very similar to the first. The workout come with six self-contained 10 minute workouts. Each of the workout include its own warm up and cool down. The DVD offers the following option: Play All - clocks in at 1 hour and 12 minutes Fat Blasting Cardio - 11:04 Total Body Shred - 11:56 Lower Body Chisel - 10:43 Upper Body Sculpt - 11:28 Core Makeover - 12:50 Dynamic Stretch & Flex - 14:11 Fat Blasting Cardio features a series of athletic cardio moves. Amy introduces the sequence with a low impact version and then she does the same or similar move showing impact. You do the move on the right and then on the left. This workout was okay. I didn't like the moves chosen as much as I did in the other Give Me 10 workout. Total Body Shred uses two sets of dumbbells and almost all the moves build upon the previous move and are compound in nature. I like this w...