Shaun T Cize Disc 3

Cize Disc 3 The red disc contains routines 5 and 6. Routine 5 is Go For It. The main workout clocks in at just under 41 minutes. The pattern is the same as the other workouts. Shaun brings back some moves that you learned in earlier routines and he mixes them with knew moves. Shaun has a singsong way of calling the moves. I like. It keeps the energy going. In Go For It, there are seven moves plus some free dancing. Go For It - 4 & 1/4 stars Routine 6 is Living in the 8s. This routine is 50 plus minutes. There are only 8 moves but the majority of the moves are very intricate - meaning they have several parts that make up the moves. That is where the extra time is coming in - to breakdown the extra parts within each sequence. Like the other routines, after you learn all the choreography, Shaun changes the music and your run through the combination three times in the Cize It Up section. Living in the 8s - 3 & 1/2 stars