Cardio Coach Volume 4 - Thoughts

Cardio Coach Volume 4 is an MP3 Download workout that you can use on virtually any piece of cardio equipment. I use this workout with my treadmill. Volume 4 clocks in at 52:38 if you do the whole workout including the stretch. Take out the stretch and your workout is just over 46 minutes. This workout includes a warm up, a cool down, 3 steady state, and 3 challenges. The steady states are used for recovery after each challenge. Challenge 1 consist of 2 minute sprint, 2 minute hill climb and another 2 minute sprint. In between the sprint hill intervals, Sean (your cardio coach) gives you a 30 second rest. Challenge 1 last for 8 minutes and 15 seconds. Challenge 2 has you cranking up your incline or resistance for two hill climbs. There is a 30 second rest between hill climbs. This challenge is 7 minutes and 56 seconds. Sean gives you the option of skipping Challenge 3. If you do it, you will be doing hill intervals and varying the time and rest period of ...