10 Minute Solution Cardio Hip Hop - Thoughts

10 Minute Solutions Cardio Hip Hop is lead by Heather Graham. Heather takes you through five dance routines that have a hip hop flair to them. The dances are: Hip Hop 101 House Party Signature Moves Hip Hop Jam Street Style Hip Hop 101 starts off with isolation's for the rib cage and the hips. You do this for about 4 minutes. This is followed by a series of knee pulls for about a minute. After this section you move into a mini routine consisting of knee pulls, hip hits, a move called the chicken up and a figure 8 toe taps. In House Party there is a lot of bouncing and you are working on the balls of your feet. The first music tune in this section was blah and it faded out. It didn't sound a strong or loud as the music used in Hip Hop 101. It was almost background music. The second tune was a little bit stronger. Moves called the quick step, slice and wave up appear in this routine. Signature Moves are Heather's personal ...