October 2011 Monthly Rotation

October 2011. I am still training for my 10K which will be October 30th. Monday - Thursday I have double workouts planned. Mornings will be cardio and evenings will be strength training. Morning Sundays will be a 6.2 mile run on either the treadmill or outdoors. This will be followed by 15 to 20 stretch workout. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, I will be doing some of my favorite cardio workouts. Only one workout will be new to me and that is Rockin Cardio Jam. Wednesday's will be 3.1 (5K) on the treadmill and I might follow this with some ab work. I will have to go through my workouts and see what short (no more than 10 minutes) ab workouts I have. Evenings - I will be doing STS Mesocycle 3. Monday - Chest & Back Tuesday - Plyo Legs Wednesday - Shoulder, Biceps, Triceps Thursday - Squat Rack Legs The majority of the STS workouts are over an hour. I will be cutting them down so that they are under an hour. Hopefully, I can do this just by going from 4 sets to 3 sets of...