The FIRM Cardio Sculpt - Review

Cardio Sculpt
From the original Body Sculpting System, Cardio Sculpt is a 55 minute workout that features Allie Del Rio as the lead. It is mostly a sculpting workout with three cardio segments placed throughout. I thought the cardio segments were rather mundane and very very basic.
The first cardio set was low impact, the second was step, and the third was 4-limb movement using the step.
This workout utilizes the fanny lifter to help shape and sculpt the body. The workout contains two sets of leg presses, plus the regularly used squat and lunge exercises; as well as traditional exercises for the bicep, triceps, back and chest.
Cardio Sculpt does include a floor section where you are working your lower body doing shootouts, leg lifts and leg raises. There is an abdominal section also. I felt the abdominal section was a bit weak.
Overall this is a solid workout.
3 stars out of 5.


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