Wrapping up Round 13

Round 13 Wrap Up Well Round 13 officially ends tomorrow. I am ending Round 13 with a 36 hour fast. I like sticking the 36 hour fast at the end of one round and the beginning of the next round. But today is the last day of March and like everyone else, I too feel as if this time has flown by. My First 90 Days of 2023 went very well for me. My goal was to lose 20.8 pounds and I lost 17.8 pounds. I will absolutely take that. Key Accomplishments . I made all scheduled workouts except for 3 and that was when I hurt my back. I made all meditation sessions but two. I made all Controlled Stretch segments. Over the course of Round 13, I miss tracking food in Carb Manager three times Fasted at least 16 hours the majority of the time. I am giving myself an A minus for Round 13. Round 13 (January 1 to April 1)