Tracy Anderson The Method for Beginners - Thoughts

The Method for Beginner s is led by Tracy Anderson. This workout is designed as a spring board for people to the Tracy Anderson Method. This DVD contains two workouts: Intro Part 1 and Intro Part 2. Intro Part 1 uses ankle weights, wrist weights, dumbbells, and a chair. The workout starts off with a series of stretches and then moves into a mini arm segment. Tracy concludes the workout with a weighted dance routine. I found the weighted dance routine quite enjoyable. Tracy does give lots instructions. She does not mirror cue. Workout 1 is just under 29 minutes in length. Intro Part 2 uses a mat, hand weights and a chair. It clocks in at 32 minutes. There is a 2 minute introduction before Tracy starts the workouts. The workouts starts with a series of stretches, moves into arm work, then there is weighted arm work where Tracy uses 3lbs weights and does 10 reps per exercise. Next comes chair work. The exercises in this segment are performed f...