Tracie Long Focus Power Up - Thoughts

Power Up is Volume 3 in Tracie Long's Focus Series. The focus here is suppose to be "Intense Metabolic Boost". Okay. Sure. This is my second time doing Power Up and it is probably my favorite of the 4 Focus workouts. Chapter 1 - first segment - Brutal. You are doing power lunges off the step. Tracie varies the tempo by adding pulses and knee lifts. One of the features in this workout is that Tracie builds in lots of Active Recovery which after doing the lunges off the step, I needed. The active recovery move that Tracie used was alternating quad stretches. She also did a series of tempo marches. The rest of the workout went like this: 1. speed skaters 2. followed by more alternating quad stretches, 3. jog on the step with the right lead was next, 4. alternating quad stretches, 5. jogging on the step with the left lead, 6. alternating quad stretches. 7. series of squat jumps 8. an ending stretch that ended the segment. Chapter 2 did not use the step and st...