The FIRM Express Abs - Thoughts

From the Wave system, The FIRM's Express Abs is a 10 minute workout featuring Emily Welsh. The workout uses the Wave in the rocking and stable position. Weights are not used in this workout.

Segment one - standing warm up - wave on rocking side
Segment two - seated on wave - rocking side to side
Segment three - Planks. Toes on Wave -rocking side
Segment four - standing ab workout on the wave, carving the wave, stabilization work, standing crunches,
Segment five - Planks, Hand on the Wave - rocking side
Segment six - seated and lysing crunches, Wave on stable side
Segment seven - back work, supermans, Wave on stable side
Segment eight - stretch, Wave on stable side

Lots of balance and core stabilization in this workout. Emily cues very well. She keeps a nice steady pace throughout the workout. This workouts has the same picture quality as Rock It Off.

Solid. 3 stars


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