Patrick Goudeau PlayBall in 4 - Review

PlayBall in 4. I like this workout.
The workout gets its inspiration from Basketball or so Patrick states and it is divided into 4 quarters. Each quarter is roughly 12 - 15 minutes in length. The whole workout is just over an hour long.
Patrick takes you through a series of interval, functional type moves using a medicine ball.
Some of the med ball moves are shoulder press, figure 8's, squat press, weaving the ball etc. The ball is used as a prop and also for resistance and stabilization work. I am extremely happy to report that we did not have to bounce the ball.
Within each quarter, Patrick incorporates moves that get the heart rate up and then he brings your heart rate down with more static/concentration type exercises. In all 4 segments you are doing some type of floor work with the longest floor work segment coming in the 4 quarter which has a nice ab/core set.
Also Patrick uses a left and right pattern meaning you do the combination on the right and then repeat it on the left. So each combination is getting done a minimum of two times.
This type of workout normally is not a favorite of mine, but I thought the workout was good and give it 4 out of 5 stars.


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