CIA 2205 Knockout Hi-Low - Review

CIA 2205 Knockout Hi Low is a 56 minute workout featuring Debbie Burns.
The emphasis of this workout is more boxing than kickboxing. However, there are kicking moves added throughout the workout.
There workout is essentially divided into two Cardio Knockout Hi-Low combinations. Between the two combinations is a "pulse check break" that is only really about 10 seconds.
The two combinations are long, but fun and unique. Debbie definitely puts together some different combinations and different moves that aren't seen in other kickboxing workouts.
Like most kickboxing combinations it does work the same combination on the left and on the right. What I notice about this workout, you are almost always on your toes while you are punching and kicking. Rarely is Debbie static.
Intermixed with the kickboxing are hi intensity plyometric moves (i.e. Ali shuffle, jumping jacks, plyo hops etc).
Debbie Burns is another instructor that I went out online to see if she had any other workouts. I didn't find any. While understandable, she does have accent. I found her cuing to be good. I had no trouble following her.
This is a good kickboxing workout and great for when you want something different in the kickboxing genre.
4 out of 5 stars


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