CIA 2203 Cardio Strikezone - Review

CIA 2203 Cardio Strike Zone plus Boot Camp is a kickboxing and drill type workout featuring Terri Reeves.
The workout is broken down into two main sections - kickboxing and boot-camp drills. The kickboxing section is about 37 minutes in length and the bootcamp section is about 30 minutes in length.
I only ever do the kickboxing plus the warm up and cool down.
Terri is refreshing. I absolutely loved her energy. I actually went out and did a search for more workouts featuring her, but I couldn't find any.
The kickbox workout consist of 3 combos done both on the right and on the left. You will do all three combos twice through on both sides. The first time through Terri breaks it down a little longer. The second time through, Terri tightens up the breakdown and moves through the combo much faster than the first.
In each of the combos, you can count on doing some type of Plyometric moves within the kickboxing moves.
Terri is very vocal and she likes the sound effects. Lots of "Whoohoos" and "UuurrrUrrrr". Surprisingly this didn't bother me.
The music was good and fit the workout.
4 stars out of 5


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