Patrick Goudeau Hard Work Conditioning 2 - Review

Hard Work Conditioning 2 is another workout that surprised me. I didn't expect to like the workouts as much as I did.
I have had this work practically since it first came out and I am just now getting around to doing it.
It's a interval workout. I thought the blend of aerobics and toning were more even than in the first Hard Work Conditioning workout. The toning segments featured mostly compound exercise and the layering technique. Many of the toning segments had a cardio and/or a balance aspect to it.
The cardio segments were burst of simple sometimes intense movement.
Patrick uses the step and 2 sets of dumbbells.
This workout is long but can be broken down into Lower Body and Upper Body segments. In my opinion, however because of the compound nature of the moves, you are almost always working both body sections together.
I give this workout 4 1/2 stars out of 5.


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