Cathe Step Max - Review

Step Max is the third workout on Cathe's Classics Volume 1 series and I have to say that it is my favorite of the three workouts that come with this DVD. The workout is approximately 60 minutes long and features the standard sections - warm up, 3 step combinations, and a cooldown/stretch. Step Max is an easy to follow step workout with some high intensity burst thrown in. I thought the warm up was basic but unique. I liked how Cathe combine the moves. It was different enough to make it refreshing. The first combo was basic step. This combo featured basic moves that were repeated several times. Hops were added to some of the moves to give it intensity. The second combination featured power moves. The moves were still basic but now you were running, hopping and lifting higher. The last combo showcased plyo power moves - which were still basic moves slightly put together more intricately and with more intensity. My biggest complaint about the workout is that it is repeti...