August Rotation 2011

Well, my initial plan for August was to do systems. My original plan included Peak Fit Challenge system and the Aerobox systems, but it became a hassle ordering the Aerobox system so I nixed that. So then I decided to do the Peak Fit Challenge System with Tracey Staehle's New Total Body Boot Camp workouts. These workouts were supposed to be release mid-June, but as of right now I still don't have them, so this plan too got nixed. The latest plan is to do the Peak Fit Challenge system with "Pink" FIRM workouts. It has been a couple of years since I have done many of the Pink FIRM workouts. I have signed up for a 10K race. Race date is October 30th. I will start training for that with treadmill work on Sunday and Wednesday. Also, I have just received the new Amy Bento workouts. I will try to fit KB2 in sometime as an evening workout. I also ordered Seasun's new Zfit Step and I plan to start learning the combos to that as well.