Jessica Smith Weight Loss Cardio Mix - Thougths

Weight Loss Cardio Mix is part of Jessica Smith's 10 Pound Down series.
At one time this workout did come on DVD but I was only able to get it as a download.
To download this workout, I had to add a program called Mod Player to my computer and to play this workout through my tablet I had to add the Mod Mobile App.

The difference between the player and the app is the player gives you a Chapter menu option that you would fine on the DVD.  The App does not.  This is bit of a bummer. I would have like to have access to the workout's chapter menu on my tablet.
Also, about every ten minutes the workout would freeze on me. The only way I could correct the problem was to close out the App and reopen it.  This started the workout over. So I had to scroll through the workout to find my place.  Annoying to say the least.

If you use the player, you have the following Chapter options:
- Introduction
- Warm Up
- The Cardio Mix
- Total Body Toner
- Corset Abs
- Cool Down

This workout clocks in right around an hour.  The Cardio Mix is a mixture of cardio and aerobic styles. There is athletic cardio, dance cardio and a bit of kickboxing.  Jessica teaches a mini combo that felt drill like to me.  Mostly you are performing the combos on both sides. So everything gets repeated twice.
There is impact, some jumping jacks variations. 
While I thought the music good and filled with energy, I did think the cardio a bit boring.

In the Total Body Toner section, you are using your body weight to perform the exercises.  As a result, the reps are high.  Squat/plie pulses, push ups, triceps dips, side planks are some of the exercises that appear in this section.
My favorite part of the workout is the Corset Abs section. This was also the most challenging part of the workout.  It contains lots of lower ab work.

Jessica is the only cast member. She cues well and the workout was easy to follow.  The set looks spacious.  You could see the sound system off to the side and there are large windows and it looks like there is a waterfall outside the windows.
Overall I was not a fan of this workout.  It was just okay. However, if you like good old-fashion cardio and you don't like using weights, then this workout is for you.
3 stars


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