Dance Off the Inches Cardio Hip Hop Party - Review

Cardio Hip Hop Party is approximately 42 minutes in length and features Jennifer Gilardi as the lead.
The three dances in this workout are:
Old School
Hip Hop House
Video Jam.

I really love the Old School and Hip Hop House dances and give both of them high marks.  The Video Jam was just okay and overall I thought the music could have been better.  I did like the music in Hip Hop House.

Old school features dance moves such as the cabbage patch, old school shuffle and roger rabbit.  Hip Hop House features steps like the glide, the sweep, and the slide.  In the Video Jam workout, Jennifer slowed down the tempo. The steps in this dance seemed really similar to each other.

This workout features a 26 minute Step Guide but I was so annoyed because unlike last week's Hip Hop Jam, they didn't chapter the steps.  So you couldn't just jump through to the move you wanted to review. 

Old School - 5 stars
Hip Hop House - 4 & 1/2 stars
Video Jam  - 3 stars


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