Dance Off The Inches Hip Hop Jam - Thoughts

Dance Off The Inches Hip Hop Jam is lead by Jennifer Gilardi.  The workout is approximately 43 minutes in length; and like other DOTI workouts it features a step guide which is about 22 minutes in length.

What is great about this Step Guide is that it is chaptered.  Yea!!! So you can quickly jump to the move you want to review. There are 10 steps that Jennifer breaks down.

There are three dances that Jennifer teaches in a layered pattern.  On average, Jen gives you 4 passes of each move that is taught before moving on.  Then she combines the moves and has you take it from the top until the whole dance combination is learned.

The DVD offers the following options:
Play - Plays all
Chapters - lets you select individual dances
Step Guide - Breakdown
Booty Blaster Workout - Bonus Workout

The chapters option further breaks down into:
Warm up
Cali Pop
Funk Groove
Street Style
Cool Down

I really like the Warm up.  Cali Pop was just okay. I thought the music for this dance blah.
Funk Groove was fun.  The most challenging was Street Style. Even on hardwood, I had trouble executing a couple of the moves.  The cool down was okay.  I did not do the Booty Blaster Bonus Workout.

All in all, not bad. 
3 stars


  1. Hi Saundra! Is this one of the workouts in the WalMart kit? Are repeat workouts or new ones?

  2. Hi Wendy. Yes this is one of the workouts in the WalMart kit.
    It is a new workout. The other workout in the kit is the one that Collage has up on their ComingSoon page.
    Jen, now has 5 Hip Hop Dance workouts for Dance Off the Inches.

  3. Thanks! I am headed to walmart to buy them.


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