Jari Love Revved to the Max - Thoughts

 Jari Love’s Revved to the Max consist of two 30 minute compound  weight workouts.
The workout uses an optional step, dumbbells, and a mat.  In almost all exercise besides the abdominal, Jari first works the right side and then the left.
Jari also came up with some funky staggered counting that felt out of sync with the exercises she was performing.  So there were a couple of moves in which I  counted to my own rhythm while performing the exercise.
The set is dark.  There are overhead spotlights that are shining down on the participants.  I could see everyone just fine.  There were some cast members who were showing variations on how to perform an exercise. In the second workout, Jari turns over the teaching to Adam who leads two tracks.
The music is okay.  For the most part it felt as if you were doing each rep to the beat of the music.
Essentially you are performing 6 sets of each compound exercise group. The only time I felt  6 sets were bordering on obnoxious was during the plie pulse squats into pulse lunges.  At the end of each track, a 30 second clock appears letting you know you were coming to an end for that track.
Jari doesn't do a lot of form pointers.  She does tend to count out the reps a lot.
I did the two workouts back to back so my workout ended up being about 69 minutes long.  To select this option, you choose Complete Workout.
Next time I do this video, I will probably choose to do just one of the 30 minute options which if you do the warm up and cool down ends up being around 38 minutes.
3 & ½ stars


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