Michelle Dozois More Cardio Strength - Thoughts

More Cardio Strength is approximately 55 minutes in length.
There is no warm up. It consist of 5 blocks that are about 10 minutes in length. Each block is composed of 2 rounds that are around 5 minutes. There is a cool down.
This workout follows Michelle, Peak format. That format is:
Base camp, Ascent, Climb and Peak.
With the exception of the first block, which does not include Peak and really doesn't include a Base camp, the other 4 blocks do follow the format.

In the Cardio Strength workouts (this is Michelle's third Cardio Strength Workout) the Ascent level is the strength level, and thus weights are used. Michelle does a lot of compound multi- muscles type exercises. On almost every exercise you are working both the upper and lower body and sometimes the core. The Climb is cardio level - no weights are used. The Peak level is heavy on the plyo. There is a modifier.

The Peak Exercises in this workout are:
Block 2 - 180 Squat Touchdown
Block 3 - Side to Side Jump Squat Down
Block 4 - Ski Jumps
Block 5 - Knee Slappers

My issue with this workout is the no warm up. I already knew it was going to be that way. So I had my system in place on how I would approach this workout.
My Approach:
I use the first round of the first block as my warm up and I don't use weights. Then the second round of the first block I will use light weight. This is for the Ascent level.
Luckily Michelle, keeps the workout pretty even between these two rounds. I say that because many times she has you do the exercises on the right side for the first round and then the second round you repeat everything on the left. So because she work the sides pretty evenly, I didn't have to worry about being uneven.
However, what further annoyed me about the workout is that the Climb level in the first round has you doing a side Burpee followed by a plank lunge jump as your first group of moves. So I wasn't please, because I still didn't feel warmed up. At this point we are about 2 1/2 minutes into the workout.
Once I got past the first block. I felt better about the workout and give it -
3 1/2 stars.


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