Tracy Anderson Cardio Dance Express - Review

Cardio Dance Express contains six 10- minute mini dance routines led by Tracy Anderson.   You can choose to Play All or you can choose any of the individual dances.
The segments are:
Basic Steps
Dance Vitality
Cardio Party
Sweat Fest
Calorie Blast
Dance Intensity

Each of the dances follow a similar pattern. Tracy starts off with an arm warm up and some briefing stretching.
This might take the first two minutes of each segment.
Then Tracy teaches a mini combo that last for about 5 to 6 minutes. Next, she free styles for a minute or two before taking you into the cool down stretch. As you go into each interval, Tracy takes a moment or two to briefly tell you what interval you are on.

Just some notes.  The mini combos contain around six moves that you learn in a layered pattern and then repeat for the 5 to 6 six minutes.  Sweat Fest includes moves you learned in Basic Steps, Dance Vitality and Cardio Party. There is quite a bit of impact in all of the dances.  I thought the music in Sweat Fest and Calorie Blast blah,  and lacking energy. The other dances have very good dance beats.

I have to say when I saw the clip for this, I was not interested in this workout. But it was fun. I had a good time and I think it is one of Tracy's best cuing efforts in a dance workout. 

4 & 1/2 stars


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