Les Mills Combat Warrrior Workouts - Thoughts

Warrior 1 Upper Body Blow Out is a 25 minute workout.  It is lead by Dan Cohen.  Along with Dan, there are 5 other cast members. One cast member does show modification moves.
The workout contains the following :
Track 1 - Warm up - 6:34 (bear crawls, pushups)
Track 2 - 4:24 (alt shoulder press with squats)
Track 3 - 6:24 (burpees, ski abs,  Single arm shoulder press)
Track 4 - 3:28 (Core, crunches, leg extensions, mountain climbers)
Track 5 - Cool down 3:20 (stretch)

There is quite a lot of lower body work in this upper body workout.  As far as the upper body muscle groups, it is the shoulders that get the most work.
Equipment - set of dumbbells

This workout was okay.

 3 & 1/4 stars

Warrior 2 Lower Body Lean Out is a 30 minute workout. It is lead by Rachel.  There are 5 other cast members and one cast member shows modifications.
Workout Breakdown
Track 1 - Warm Up - 3:40 (jog/run)
Track 2 - 6:54 (kicks, tae kwon doe, kung fu, karate)
Track 3 - Agility 2:35 (run/attack and retreat)
Track 4 - MMA 4:10  (shoots, burpee,)
Track 5 - Capoeira 6:10 (alt lunges, switch lunges, jacks, running man,)
Track 6 -  Floor 3:22 (side planks kicks, core)
Track 7 - Cool Down - 2:00 (stretch)

This workout just uses your own body weight.  There is quite a bit a cardio and some balance work. 
I enjoyed this workout. 
4 stars


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