Michael Olijade's Aerobox Max - Thoughts

Aerobox Max is 56 minutes in length and it an interval circuit workout.
This workout is similar to Aerobox Pro but the intensity is a little bit more.  The rounds (there are 4) are longer.There are more plyo sets.  You stay at fight speed a little bit longer. You jump a little bit faster. Instead of "Walking It Down", you "Bounce It Out" between sets.

Again as with the other workout, the boxing sections I liked.  I also liked the lower body work in this workout.  The jump rope section was challenging because of the speed and the different tricks Michael threw in such as crossovers and double turns.

I am still not a fan of the upper body sculpt exercises. In this workout, Michael does a lot of pushups.
Overall, these workouts have been okay. I am mostly lukewarm on them.
Parts I like and parts I don't.
This workout does have modifiers, as well as the count down clock.  I do like the soundtrack.
3 stars


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