Michael Olijade's Aerobox Basics + Drills

Aerobox Basics & Drills is about 42  minutes of length.  It is lead by Michael and there is a modifier.
The DVD has four chapters that you can choose from allowing you to select a workout option. Each workout option has a warm up and cool down. Several of the chapters use the same footage.
The chapters are:
Box & Sculpt
Jump & Sculpt
Box & Jump
Box, Sculpt, & Jump

This is the DVD where Michael introduces you to Demo Speed, Exercise Speed, and Fight Speed in all of the disciplines particularly boxing and jumping.  In the box section (about 12 minutes) you have the option of using very light handweights and in the jump section (about 14 minutes), you have the option of using a jump rope.
The sculpt sections (about 9 minutes)  starts off by working the core, then moves on to upper body (push ups) and then lower body (squats).  The majority of the sculpt section is core work.
The set looked a bit dark.  The music was okay
This workout was okay.  I enjoyed the jump section the best.   3 stars


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