Michael Olijade's Aerobox Pro - Thoughts

Aerobox  Pro is about 46 minutes in length and it is a circuit workout.
After the warm up, Michael takes you through 5 rounds in which you do:
Upper Body Cardio
Lower Body Sculpt
Upper Body Sculpt
Jump Rope

Upper Body Cardio consist of various boxing combinations.   Michael takes you through the various speeds, Demo, Exercise and Fight. I will say Fight speed is quite fast.
Upper Body Sculpt consist of doing various upper body moves such as shoulder press, triceps dips and pec crossovers.  You do have light hand weights and Michael takes you all the way up to Fight Speed in parts of this section as well.  I didn't like the Upper Body Sculpt sections.  This section seemed chaotic and the sculpting exercises chosen felt awkward at fight speed.
Lower Body Sculpt section consist mostly of squats and lunges, with some plyo and isometric moves thrown in.
You do get plenty of breaks.  Michael calls it "Walking it Down".  You do this either as a transition move between sections or between sets.
Equipment::  Light hand weights and jump rope.
One thing that I didn't mention in the Basic Drills review is the DVD has a countdown clock.  Also it has subtitles telling you when you are in Demo, Exercise and Fight Speed.   I always like this feature.

I like the music. and I like the upper body cardio and jump rope parts of the workout. My least favorite part was Upper Body Sculpt.  
3 stars


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