Tracie Long Focus Kick Back - Thoughts

Kick Back features 3 relatively self contained 10 minute chapter segments. You can do each chapter on its own or you can any two or all three.
The exercises included in workout are Kickboxing inspired moves.
In each of the chapters, Tracie works with the tempo to either focus on form (at a slower tempo) or focus on intensity (at a faster tempo).
Chapter 1 uses light and medium dumbbells to work the upper and lower body. Using the dumbbells, you do a series of jabs, hooks, upper cups, and cross arm squats. Other exercises included are side lunges with one arm rows into a one arm sword and squat thrust front kicks.
Chapter 2 is mostly a lower body focus and you are doing a series of kicks, plie lunges with calf raises and step squats. Tracie uses heavy dumbbells in the plie and squat sections. Chapter 2 concludes with a stretch.
Chapter 3 is floor work. Exercises include side planks, single leg push ups. ab work, triceps extension and ribcage pullovers.
Kick Back is Volume 2 in a series called Focus. The back of the DVD cover states the focus is on "maximizing your caloric burn". When I first did this workout (this is my second time), I really didn't think the workout as a whole had any focus at all.
After doing the workout a second time, I still don't see that there is any real focus. It felt like a short total body workout to me.
That is not to say it is not an enjoyable workout. I tend to like Tracie's workouts because she choreographs exercises to the beat of the music and I like that in a workout.
Also Tracie cues extremely well and she is very precise. The workout only features her and she shows you different levels that many of the exercise can be performed at.
3 stars out of 5


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