Zumba Toning 101 - Review

Toning 101 is led by Jhon Gonzalez ad Loretta Bates.
Toning 101 comes in two versions.  The first version is with Demo & Safety Tips On. If you choose this version then the workout is around 18 minutes.  The second version is with Demo & Safety Tips Off. If you choose this option, the workout is around 10 minutes. 

In the Safety Tips On version, Jhon and Loretta breaks down each step adding safety tips. After each step is taught, music is added starting with a slow tempo.  The tempo increases as you do more reps. 
Expect lots of starting and stopping as Jhon and Loretta demonstrate and have you practice each move.

The steps that Jhon and Loretta demonstrate are:
Front Step & Turn
Fly & Pull
Triceps Side Travel
Sleepy Leg
Lunge and Crunch
Torso Rotation

You are using the Toning Sticks in Toning 101. The music that appears in Toning 101 shows up in both workouts of DVD-2 Target and Tone.


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