Viveca Jensen Power Sculpt 2 - Review

Power Sculpt 2 is the 2nd sculpting workout in the Piloxing system. This workout too is a short one clocking in a little bit longer than the 1st power sculpt workout.
Viveca leads two other cast mates and us at home in working the butt, thighs, and abs.
The cast is working out on a circular raised platform. 
Like the first power sculpt workout, this one does not have a warm up nor does it have a cool down.

You are pretty much working in the same positions but you are doing somewhat different exercises than those performed in the first workout.
So there is a table top segment, a bridge segment, lying side segment and abs segment.
Expect lots of pulses, high energy music and very little rest.
Another good one and another one that would be great as an add on if you wanted some extra lower body and ab focus work.
3 & 3/4 stars


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