Les Mills On Demand Body Combat #59 - Thoughts

Les Mills On Demand Body Combat #59 clocks in at just over 31 minutes. 
The presenters in this workout are:
Dan Cohen
Rachael Newsham
Pernilla Blomquist
Mika Kankainen.

However there are a lot of other cast members on stage that come in and out depending on the round.
The segments featured:
01a Upper Body Warm up 4:10
01b Lower Body Warm Up 4:30
2 Combat 1 4:03
3 Power Training 1 5:06
4 Combat 2 5:22
5 Power Training 2 6:00

I enjoyed the upper body warm up in this one as it featured blocks and strikes. Combat 1 was led by Mika and Power Training 1 by Pernilla and both of these were high energy fast past segments especially the Power Training.
Again the workout, just ends after Power Training 2.
3 & 3/4 stars


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